3rd Floor - Christ Bible Seminary

3rd Floor - Christ Bible Seminary

$0.00 remaining
$76,947 raised
213% of $36,000 goal
  • Japan
  • Friends of Nagoya Theological Seminary
  • Build CBI
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

How You Can Help

Make a Monthly Pledge (any amount) for CBS

Make a Monthly Pledge (any amount) for CBS

Click here to make a monthly pledge to CBS.

Support a CBS student scholarship

Support a CBS student scholarship

Many of our students are not able to afford their tuition. This puts great financial strain on their families and threatens their ability to study with us. Help support a scholarship for a CBS student.

Support a CBS graduate's ministry

Support a CBS graduate's ministry

Our graduates are beginning to make an impact as pastors, campus workers, and leaders in the Japanese church. Some of them are ministering without any salary even though they have families. That is the challenge of ministry in Japan. Would you please help empower their ministry and provide for their families?

Build the CBS library - buy a book

Build the CBS library - buy a book

We're setting up a wonderful library for our students and the local churches on the 3rd floor main space. We are looking to increase the number of Japanese theological books available for our students and also to have a good library system to organize the books.

Send a CBS student or CBI family to dinner

Send a CBS student or CBI family to dinner

There's nothing more important for future pastors or current missionaries than to take care of their families and their marriage. We emphasize that at CBS/CBI and you can help by providing a chance for a couple or family to have a date out!

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